3rd Regional APUCEN Council Meeting

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak | 6 November 2012

The 3rd APUCEN Council Meeting which was held on the 6th October was also hosted by Universiti Sarawak Malaysia. The meeting chaired by the president of APUCEN, Prof. Dato’ Omar Osman, welcomed two new council members: University of Southern Queensland and Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. The council was represented by 14 delegates from 10 universities. In making its commitment to long term engagement, the council deliberated on the way forward for APUCEN including the recruitment drive for new members. One of the initiatives includes making the membership fee more attractive. The meeting also saw the setting up of the APUCEN Trust Fund and capacity building initiatives. The council also explored various funding options that can be tapped in order to drive valuable university-community engagement projects in the region. Throughout the meeting, it is evident that the determination among APUCEN members in bringing community renewal, economic development, social and education change transcends individual institutional interests.