4th Regional APUCEN Council Meeting

Grand Inna Muara Hotel, Padang, Indonesia  |  13 November 2013

The 4th Regional APUCEN Council Meeting was held on 13th November 2013 in Grand Inna Muara Hotel, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The meeting was attended by a total of 23 members comprising 8 council members from seven institutions. The attendees included 11 APUCEN members as observers and 4 prospective members. The meeting was chaired by the president of APUCEN, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman.

The Regional Council Meeting provided an ideal platform for members in the Asia Pacific Region to share and exchange knowledge on community engagement projects. The Council also acknowledged that volunteerism and community service are the building blocks for developing a broader strategy for university-community engagement. These two elements should drive the implementation of community engagement project in the region.

With the foundation in place, the Council envisaged that at least one flagship project will take off in the coming year. In light of the positive development, the Council also felt that with the increasing number and the commitment of its members, APUCEN is ready to make its presence felt in the Asia-Pacific region. A number of publicity initiatives will also be carried out to increase the membership and visibility of APUCEN. This meeting also endorsed three key documents: membership exemption criteria, trust fund working paper, and guidelines for flagship project.